Sunday, July 17, 2011


To open yourself up and become a powerful magnet to wellness and health from wherever you are now:

Love yourself! Deeply, profoundly! Make lists of all the wonderful things about you. Add to it every day.

Free yourself of any past resentments or disappointments you may be holding about you.

Let go of any and all resentments from the past you may be holding of everyone and everything.

See yourself as completely well in your mind and visualize yourself doing things in a complete state of perfect health.

Love and appreciate everything and everyone, and especially yourself.

Know you have the power within you to heal yourself.

Never criticize or blame yourself or anyone else for anything.

Be grateful for the wellbeing that is coming to you.

See yourself as only well.

Be happy, knowing that in your state of happiness your body is healing itself.

As you appreciate, as you love, as you are happy, as you are grateful, you are summoning wellbeing and it is pouring through your body and disease is vanishing in the moment.

Laugh! Hire funny movies or recall any memories that make you laugh. Laugh your way back to health.

Make lists every day of all the things you are grateful for, including being grateful for your healing and complete wellbeing.

You must do whatever you can to remove your attention from disease.

Distract yourself from thoughts of disease, and put all of your focus and attention on doing things that make you feel good.

Make your happiness the number one thing in your life.

Resist nothing, love everything!

Know that there is no such thing as incurable.

As you love completely and feel the joy within you, disease cannot exist.

Know and accept that you are perfect as you are right now.


The life time of woman in the life span of boy to man......

I Was Born, A Woman 
Was There To Hold Me 
"my mother" 

I Grew As A Child,
A Woman Was There To
Care For Me & Play With

I Went to school, A
Woman Was There To
Help Me Learning

I Became Depressed
Whenever I Lost , A Woman
Was There To Offer A 

I Needed Company,
Compatibility & Love.
A Great Woman Was There
For Me
"My WIFE" 

I Became Tough
A Woman Was There
To Melt Me ... 


           Every single relationship you have is a reflection of how you feel inside about you. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. Every relationship you have and every interaction with every person, is a reflection of your own thoughts and feelings in that very moment.You can completely transform any relationship, no matter what it's like right now.You can completely transform any relationship, no matter what it's like right now.
To transform every single relationship you have in your life:
Fall in love with YOU!
Make lists of hundreds and hundreds of wonderful things about you. Keep adding to it every day.
Know that you are perfect. Do not think any negative thoughts about you.
Know that you are worthy and deserving of anything and everything you could possibly want in your life.
Focus on the wonderful things in every person. Look for only those things.
Do not blame or criticize anybody, ever.
Set an intention that you are going to see the best in everything and everyone.
Make your happiness the number one thing in your life. Happiness is an inside job.
Free yourself of the responsibility of trying to make other people happy. Respect and love them enough to allow them to take care of their own happiness.
Get your attention off those things in others that don't make you feel good.
Appreciate and love yourself in every moment you can.
Do not expect others to behave in a way you want, so you will be happy. Release yourself forevermore and know that you alone control your happiness and it is a choice, no matter what anyone else is doing.
Love and respect yourself completely.
Know that you are perfect right now.